Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Conflict Well
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Gideon Tsang speaks about how we engage conflict in our lives and reflects on Paul’s experiences and thoughts on conflict. [1 Cor 8:1-13]
Do you have a tendency to choose knowledge or love when it comes to conflict? How do we seek to be right instead of being kind?
How can we serve others in our conflict?
How do we invite people into our community in the midst of conflict?
Materials and media from this weeks sermon.
Video: “Linda Listen”
Illustration: Ann Lamott quote by Becky Murphy
Video: Jim Gaffigan, “McDonald’s”
Book: Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief
Article:Relevant Magazine, Diverse Theology
News: KXAN “Charter Bus Police Chase”
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Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Title: Risk
Nicolas Acosta speaks about the interaction between God and Jonah and the different risks each take and avoid and what it means for the areas in our lives that require risk. [Jonah 3]
What areas in our lives do we seek to control in order to avoid God or people? How have we checked out of certain relationships?
How can we pray and participate in such a way that we understand God wants our collaboration?
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Monday Jan 19, 2015
Monday Jan 19, 2015
Monday Jan 19, 2015
Gideon Tsang speaks about the rhythms of our spiritual health and whether we are living sustainable lives. [1 Cor 6:11-14]
What does spiritual health look like for you? Are the rhythms of how you live sustainable? Why or why not? How are we affected by our ideology and identity?
Book: Gregory David. Shantaram: A Novel
Video: Love of Mud
Article: Nationals Disaster in Austin
Audio: This American Life- Invisbilia
Video: First Steps
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Monday Jan 12, 2015
True Soul
Monday Jan 12, 2015
Monday Jan 12, 2015
Jason Minnix speaks about what it means to “deny our self” through a spiritual formation lens. We also explore how who we truly are emerges as we seek actual encounters with God. [Luke 9:23-25]
What is my false self? Have I taken time to appreciate how my protective self has served me? How does your false self inhibit intimacy and reveal a deeper need for Christ?
What is my true self? Where is Jesus inviting me to trust him as my shepherd so it can emerge more fully?
Find the letters between Carl Jung & Bill W here:
C. G. Jung / Bill W. Letters – Spiritus contra Spiritum
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Sunday Jan 04, 2015
Incarnation: God With Us
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
Gideon Tsang speaks about the incarnation and how God with us impacts the way we should live in this new year. [John 1:9-14]
What are some things that we might be blind to and need to see in a new light this coming year?
What are some ways we can improve how we relate to God in the new year?
How can we see the potential for glory in each of us and in everything that we do?
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Sunday Dec 28, 2014
Lectio Divina – Galatians 4
Sunday Dec 28, 2014
Sunday Dec 28, 2014
Weylin speaks about the transition from anticipation to the lived reality of Christ on earth as he leads a time of reflection and meditation through the practice of Lectio Divina. [Galatians 4:1-7]
How can we move from anticipation to the reality that Jesus has given us freedom to live the way God intended us to live?
What is God inviting you to do or be this season and upcoming year?
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Sunday Dec 21, 2014
Advent – Anticipation and Hope
Sunday Dec 21, 2014
Sunday Dec 21, 2014
John Chandler speaks about the anticipation of those who lived in the time of Christ’s birth and what that means for us today during the season of Advent. [Psalm 89:1-4]
What are the stories that need to be remembered and retold during this season of Advent?
How can our longing for God to act turn into a desire for our participation in making things the way God intended?
How can we put ourselves back in the narrative of God and his story?
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Monday Dec 15, 2014
Advent: Joy Retrieved
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Jason Minnix speaks about the struggle and hope that lead to joy as we reflect on anticipation during the season of Advent. [Isaiah 61:1-11]
How do we make space for darkness during Advent and sit with the difficult emotions of our lives?
How can we be with those who experience poverty and are in need this Advent season?
How can we engage the frailty that can lead to joy this Advent?
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Monday Dec 08, 2014
Advent: Waiting for Eternity
Monday Dec 08, 2014
Monday Dec 08, 2014
Gideon Tsang and Mick Santostefano share about their experience in Dehli, India and reflect on how Advent is the finite waiting for the infinite. [2 Peter 3:8-15]
What kind of people should we be that anticipate the justice of God?
Do we trust in God’s promise that he will bring justice? What are the things that we need to trust God in?
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Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Chris Morton speaks about our identity in Christ and what it means to practice resurrection in our lives. [Ephesians 1:15-23]
What parts of our identity do we need to leave behind in order to claim our new identity and inheritance?
How can we help those inside and outside our community begin to expect resurrection?
Where, in our lives and in our neighborhoods, can we proclaim resurrection?
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Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Practicing Emotional Intelligence
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Gena Minnix speaks about God restoration of Moses and how his narrative invites us to emotional intelligence as a spiritual practice. [Exodus 33:12-23]
How can we be more aware of the ways we engage God through our emotions?
In our anger, fear and shame, how can we experience the gift of assertiveness, humility and compassion?
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Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
As we continue in the Lectionary calendar, Jason Minnix speaks about what it means to be prepared and how we prepare for God. [Matthew 25:1-13]
Where am I over-preparing for what is non essential (threat management)?
Where am I under-preparing for what is essential (enjoying God)?
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Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Everyday Community
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
As we continue in the Lectionary calendar, Gideon Tsang speaks about how what it means for us to be a community day to day and not just during the incubated short-term moments. [1 Thessalonians 2:9-13]
What is the struggle that we’re involved in currently? What fruit is going to come of it?
What is your agenda in being part of community? What is our agenda as a church to the city of Austin?
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Sunday Oct 26, 2014
The Collaborative Body
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Our speaker, Cherith Fee-Nordling, spoke at our fall retreat and shared what the implications are for us that Christ has a human body.
What does the humanity of Christ mean for our bodies and lives here on earth?
As we reflect on what we are saved from through Christ, what are we also saved for?
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Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
As we continue in the Lectionary calendar, Gideon Tsang speaks about how our faith needs to be worth imitating and what that looks like for us and our community. [1 Thessalonians 1:1-10]
What is the work and calling in our life that requires faith? How can we pray more for faith instead of clarity?
How can we practice the skill of loving people this week?
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Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Moved Mover
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
As we continue in the Lectionary calendar, Jason Minnix speaks about our how we relate with God and the distractions that make it challenging for us.
[Exodus 32:1-14]
What are some of the distractions that we seem to engage with more than with God?
How can we close a couple of exit points this week in our relationship with God?
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Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Vision: Affection
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
As we continue our vision series, Gideon Tsang speaks about worship and our ability to communicate gratitude and affection to God. [Genesis 4:1-9]
How did your family of origin communicate affection?
Why might learning to communicate affection to God be a healthy practice for us? How can we practice communicating affection in our lives both individually and as a community?
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Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Vision: Belonging
Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Sunday Sep 28, 2014
As we continue our vision series, Jason Minnix speaks about community and our need for belonging. [Genesis 4:1-9]
In what ways can we participate in belonging and being known to each other?
How can we practice emotional literacy and understand our emotions and those of others in finding community?
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Sunday Sep 21, 2014
Vision: Formation
Sunday Sep 21, 2014
Sunday Sep 21, 2014
As we continue our vision series, Weylin speaks about the tensions we encounter with our spiritual formation. [Genesis 3:1-10]
What do the choices that we make say about the leadership in our lives?
Are we willing to be found by God in whatever condition we are in?
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Sunday Sep 14, 2014
Vision: Work
Sunday Sep 14, 2014
Sunday Sep 14, 2014
As we continue our vision series, Gideon speaks about how our work and calling is sacred. [Genesis 2]
Through our work, how do we choose to lead well or lead poorly?
How do we help redeem those who are under bad leadership?
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