Monday Jul 06, 2015
Monday Jul 06, 2015
Monday Jul 06, 2015
Terra McDaniel speaks about how Jesus works and uses us in spite of our rejection of God. [Mark 6:1-13]
When has God been something you have not expected? How have you been disappointed or even offended?
How does God use those who are least expected?
How is faith built and developed in community versus individually?
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Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Good News of Generosity
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Gideon Tsang speaks about the possibility that generosity is good news and how it can be a pathway to good news. [2 Corinthians 8:1-8]
Why are we generous? Is it out of love or is it to receive love?
How is generosity a path to good news?
How has our understanding of sacrifice impacted our practice of generosity?
Article:“Malcolm Gladwell Goes Nuts on John Paulson’s Harvard Donation” 3 June 2015
Book:Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr
Movie:St. Vincent
Website:Color Eye Test
Slides: Good news of Generosity
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Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
This Father’s Day, we hear the story of fathers as they share how being a father has shaped their journey of faith and understanding of God. [Psalm 128]
How is the God as a father metaphor helpful or hurtful?
How has your experience with your own father shaped your understanding of God?
What part of your experience needs healing?
What are some ways can you receive God’s love as a perfect Father this week?
Video: Interview with Gabriel Tsang
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Monday Jun 15, 2015
Monday Jun 15, 2015
Monday Jun 15, 2015
John Chandler speaks about what it means for the church to practice hospitality in a culture of hostility. [Acts 10]
How do we invite conversation and dialogue in how we live the church?
What does it mean to open ourselves up to see and recognize the image of God in others?
What are your biases and labels that impact how we categorize people and prevent us from hospitality?
Book: The Abundant Community
Person: Jean Vanier
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Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Jason Minnix speaks about Jesus’ habits of listening to himself, God/wisdom, and other people. Often times we only listen in one or two of these areas of our lives, yet spiritual discernment is fostered as we dabble in all three. [Mark 1:35-39]
Where am I being invited to listen/empathize more deeply – with my self, with God/wisdom, or with others?
What would it look like to lean into that on a practical level?
Image: Spheres of Listening
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Monday Jun 01, 2015
Global Learnings
Monday Jun 01, 2015
Monday Jun 01, 2015
Geeta Mondol shares the story of The Ashish Center, one of Vox’s partners in India.
1. What do you think God is sharpening you for?
2. What ways can you pray and support The Ashish Center in this season?
Website:Ashish India
Vox Veniae: Missions- Investment
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Sunday May 24, 2015
Holy Spirit as Guide
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
For Pentecost Sunday, Weylin Lee speaks about the Holy Spirit and how important it is for us individually as well as a church community to seek the guidance of the Spirit in how we live God’s story. [Acts 2:1-12]
How can our gifts from the Spirit be used to practice hospitality to those around us?
How can we be practical mystics in our attempts to listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance?
Who are those we need to seek forgiveness from and who are those we need to extend forgiveness to?
Art:Icon of the Trinity by Anderi Rublev
Book:Eugene Peterson on Spiritual Direction
Book:The End of Memory by Miroslav Volf
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Sunday May 17, 2015
Easter VII: Ascension
Sunday May 17, 2015
Sunday May 17, 2015
Gideon Tsang speaks about how Jesus advocates for the broken and oppressed as well as each of us. [John 17:6-19]
How do we distinguish God’s protection as conservationism instead of conservatism?
How do we pursue a mind of joy?
How can we live according to God’s original design and purpose?
Video: Larry Wilmore Meets With Gangs
Article:The Real Tenenbaums
Excerpt:Richard Rohr, “The Naked Now”
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Monday May 04, 2015
What’s It All About?
Monday May 04, 2015
Monday May 04, 2015
Gena Minnix speaks about how God’s love throws a wrench into our Christian machinery. [Luke 10:25-37]
How do our practices in life reflect what love is and what love is not?
What are some risks that we need to take in order to demonstrate God’s love?
How do we create diversity in our beliefs to allow for safety in our community?
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Sunday Apr 26, 2015
The Two Firsts
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Martin Ban speaks about how the first two outsiders invited into God’s party reveal how God wants the church to sing in harmony rather than in unison. [Luke 23:32-43, Acts 8:25-40]
How are we living out God’s vision for a diverse harmony in the church?
What does it look like for us to invite friends to God’s party?
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Monday Apr 20, 2015
A Community of the Resurrection
Monday Apr 20, 2015
Monday Apr 20, 2015
John Chandler speaks about what it means to be a community that lives out resurrection instead of becoming dependant on just a few leaders. [Acts 4:32-35]
How are others able to interpret the gospel through the way they engage with our community?
How do each of us practice resurrection in our lives and the Vox community?
What do we view the role of our community in the life of the church? Do we simply rely on key leaders or do we participate by embracing our role?
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Sunday Apr 05, 2015
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
As we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, Gideon Tsang speaks about how there is no heartbreak, fear or need that goes beyond the love that God offers us. [Psalm 118]
How do we respond when we or others cry? How do we distract ourselves from crying?
What is our tendency to ask of God when we are afraid?
How can we embrace our true self and acknowledge and seek the help that we need?
Video: Louis CK Hates Cell Phones
Book: Ann Lamott, Help Thanks Wow.
Video: Hands on a Hard Body
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Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Palm Sunday
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
David Taylor speaks about the double triumphal entry of Jesus and why it’s impossible to follow Jesus apart from the body of Christ. [Mark 11:1-11]
How does Jesus meet or counter our expectations of who is and why he came to earth?
How can we ”be on the way” with Jesus and with community as we follow Jesus?
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Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Belonging from the Edges
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Jason Minnix speaks about what it means to belong in community and engage with God at the edges. [Luke 7:1-10]
What depth of community is meaningful for us now?
How does Jesus accept us at the edge of belonging and allow us to engage where we are?
How can we overflow the judgement in our lives with acceptance that comes from God?
Picture: Centurion
Video: The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Secret Santa
Video: The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Toast to Charlie
Poem: What’s in the Temple?
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Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Terra McDaniel speaks about some attributes of Jesus that we sometimes overlook in our interaction and engagement with God. [Luke 13:31-35]
In what ways have we experienced the nurturing aspect of God in our lives?
What would it look like to have a God who demonstrates mothering attributes and impacts how we make decisions and engage with God?
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Sunday Mar 08, 2015
Spatial Values
Sunday Mar 08, 2015
Sunday Mar 08, 2015
Gideon Tsang speaks about our lived values. What did Jesus see in the temple that made him so demonstrably angry? How does that inform our season of Lent? [John 2:13-25]
Do our current sacrifices (for work?, family? pleasure?) align with our values?
What areas of our lives tend toward contentment or greed?
How does being God’s temple change the way we live and interact with others?
Place: UT football stadium
Place: Barton Creek Mall
Place: Mega Church
Place: Church of Light
Place: Chestnut Hill Quaker Meeting House
Image/Article:Vox Veniae
Artifact: Rotary Phone
GIF:Dikembe Mutombo
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Monday Mar 02, 2015
Pecha Kucha
Monday Mar 02, 2015
Monday Mar 02, 2015
A few different members of the Vox community speak on Psalm 116 and present their meditation and reflections through a presentation style known as Pecha Kucha.
(Presenters: Suzie Heritage, Matthew Worthington, Sarah Gamble, Josef Kristofoletti, Evan Wilson)
How do we experience the listening ear of God in our lives?
How can your experience of God’s provision and love allow you to love the ones who have hurt you the most?
How can we be part of more than just meeting the physical needs of our neighbors?
In what ways have you experienced restoration in the context of community?
Slideshow: Vox Veniae Pecha Kucha
Wikipedia: Pecha Kucha
Pecha Kucha is a Japanese style of presentation which originated in the creative community. Each presenter prepares 20 slides, displayed for 20 seconds each. When using the slideshow PDF, make sure to advance your slides accordingly.
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Sunday Feb 22, 2015
The Other Side of Shame
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Jason Minnix speaks about our natural response when we try to hide our true selves and how we can experience the gift of humility in shame. [Psalm 25]
What are the defense mechanisms we use to cover shame in our lives?
How can we move from the place of shamefulness or shamelessness towards discretion and healthy self awareness?
How can we tell stories on ourselves when we sense shame in the presence of others?
Video: The Big Kahuna “Character Dialogue”
Chart: Shame Continuum
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Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Gideon Tsang speaks about how we should see change in our spiritual formation in light of Christ’s transfiguration. [Mark 9:2-9]
What is a new intention that we can try in this upcoming season of lent?
What are the thin spaces in our lives where we can engage with God?
How would it look different for us to live out of love instead of living to be loved?
Video: 5-Minute Ageing Clip
Place: Monastery of Christ in the Desert
Photo: Gideon’s retreat photos
Person: Barbara Brown Taylor
Article: NYT “36 Questions to Fall in Love”
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Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Terra Tindle speaks about how we can make sense of God’s involvement in our lives even when we don’t feel it. [Psalm 147]
What are the graces around us that we overlook and forget?
How can we tell good stories to remind us that God is involved regardless of our situation and that there is hope to come?
The post Involvement appeared first on Vox Veniae.