Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Making Culture
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Stefan Eicher visits from our partner in India (Reflection Art) and talks about how art begins with and connects us with the story of God [Genesis 1].
How are you a maker and creator in your context and work?
What would it mean for you to participate and collaborate with the story of God?
What is your mark that you can make on this world (both metaphorically and literally)?
India Partner: Reflection Art
Event: Artist Residency Open House
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Sunday May 29, 2016
Practicing Discomfort
Sunday May 29, 2016
Sunday May 29, 2016
Weylin Lee talks about some practices of discomfort that might be helpful in our attempt to live more fully out of our true self [Luke 7:1-10].
Who are some people that you need to practice listening to fully understand their story and lens?
What are some things generating stress and worry in your life that you need to surrender?
How can you stay in the discomfort of self-reflection in order to grow your capacity to receive grace?
Video: The Barkley Marathons
Prayer of Examen
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Sunday May 22, 2016
Covenant Member Interviews
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
Weylin Lee interviews new covenant members who are choosing to partner and collaborate with the Vox community. Jedda Bragg, Autumn Barker, and Jon & Amy Pattillo share their stories.
What does it mean to covenant with community for the sake of the other?
What does healing look like in your life?
What does relationship and community look like for you?
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Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
John Chandler talks about the significance of Pentecost in our lives. [Acts 2:1-21].
In what areas of life am I being invited to wait?
Where do I sense God calling me now?
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Monday May 09, 2016
Receiving Grace
Monday May 09, 2016
Monday May 09, 2016
Gideon Tsang talks about the challenge of receiving grace in our lives and how Mary demonstrated this in her life. [Luke 1:26-38].
Who are the messengers of grace in our lives?
What are the impediments in our lives that limit our ability to receive grace?
What are some practices that will help us be more aware of God’s grace that is always around us?
Video: Mr. Rogers and Joan Rivers
Book: The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendker
Music: The Life of Pablo by Kanye West
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Sunday May 01, 2016
Being Loved and Being Left
Sunday May 01, 2016
Sunday May 01, 2016
As we continue in the season of Easter, Gena Minnix talks about how to engage secure relational practices that Jesus models for us [John 14:23-29].
How does presence and absence affect the way we grow in our relationships?
How can we practice secure relationship with God and others in how we know, trust and love God and others?
How can we practice secure relationship with God and others in how we are known, trusted and loved by God and others?
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Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Pattern of Resurrection
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
As we continue in the season of Easter, Gideon Tsang talks about whether we recognize the pattern of Christ’s resurrection and how we participate in it [John 13:1-17].
What is a beautiful question you can ask about an un-beautiful moment this season?
Is it hard to be fully known and loved? Why or why not?
Video: Mr. Rogers and Jeff Erlanger
Podcast: On Being – David Whyte
Video: Mr. Rogers and Joan Rivers
Video: Mr. Rogers TV Hall of Fame Speech
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Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
As we continue in the season of Easter, Jason Minnix talks about how we can practice trust in a way that cares for ourselves instead of simply accomplishing something [John 10:22-31].
How do we take a small risk when the support is there?
When do we need to reach for support in order to risk trusting?
How do we practice curiosity and wonder?
Video: Do Sheep Only Listen to Their Shepherd
Trust Inventory:
Where am I investing my trust, energy?
Does it actually care for me? (supported)
Is the amount of investment an escape from investing in real support and care?
What would it look like to pull some energy out of unsupported trust?
What might happen if I invest that energy in rebuilding a supported trust with God?
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Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Taste of Resurrection
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
As we continue in the season of Easter, Gideon Tsang talks about how we might define spiritual fermentation in our lives [John 21:1-17].
What are some expectations that we’ve had but are not what is reality right now?
What season in your life and relationship with God is ending or has ended so that you can experience new things?
Who are those in our lives where forgiveness will allow us to practice the importance of relationship over rightness?
Documentary: Michael Pollan’s Cooked – Earth
Podcast: RadioLab – Gray’s Donation
Podcast: On Being – Helen Fisher
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Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Passing the Peace
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
As we continue in the season of Easter, Jason Minnix talks about experiencing peace whether we’re in a season of belonging or becoming [John 20:19-29].
How do we give and receive peace when we are practicing becoming?
How do we give and receive peace when we are practicing belonging?
How can we pass God’s peace to those in our community?
Person: Jean Vanier
Video: Boyhood
Poem: The Journey by Mary Oliver
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Sunday Mar 27, 2016
Practice Resurrection
Sunday Mar 27, 2016
Sunday Mar 27, 2016
As we celebrate Easter, Gideon Tsang talks about what it means to be an active participant instead of a passive recipient in how we live
out resurrection [Luke 24:1-9].
How do we engage in relentless curiosity in our journey of faith?
What is the fear in our lives that we can come together to engage?
What are the areas that we can actively participate and simply respond through action?
Video: Cavedigger
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Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Palm Sunday
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, John Chandler talks about our eulogy virtues and contrasting our pursuit of victory with death and resurrection [John 12:9-19].
Where in our lives do we need to quit being the winner?
What are the things that we have been holding onto in our lives?
Where do we need to allow death in our lives in order to experience resurrection?
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Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Composting Life
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, Gideon Tsang talks about how we can foster our deaths well in order to fully live [Philippians 3:4-14].
What are the deaths that we need to name in our lives?
What would it mean for us to create space to grieve well individually and as a community?
What word comes to mind when you consider dying well?
Video: The Compost Aerator
Video: Cloud
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Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Survival and Flourishing
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, Jason Minnix talks about how our story of meaningful conversion is tied to being continually transformed over the entirety of our lives [Joshua 5:9-12].
How do we tell a new story in the transitions of our lives?
How can we trust that the desert is meaningful and what is our mana in our stretch of desert?
As you contemplate moving in and out of stories of survival and flourishing, what word reflects your journey today?
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Sunday Feb 28, 2016
Let’s Not Perish
Sunday Feb 28, 2016
Sunday Feb 28, 2016
As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, Gideon Tsang talks about how we receive Christ’s invitation to not perish but live a timeless, full, and abundant life [Luke 13:1-9].
What does it mean to repent in the context of the mystery of our faith?
What are the areas we need to dig around to find life instead of simply cutting down?
What word comes to mind when you think of the invitation to grow and mature your interior life?
Book: How Music Works by David Byrne
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Sunday Feb 21, 2016
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, Jason Minnix talks about how our thirst can increase our intimacy with self, God and community [Isaiah 55:1-9].
What do we strive for in our attempt to be loveable?
What image of God is no longer helpful in your connection with God?
When you fast, or pull back from automated behavior/consumption, what word reflects your connection with self, God and community?
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Sunday Feb 14, 2016
Sunday Feb 14, 2016
Sunday Feb 14, 2016
As we begin the season of Lent, Gena Minnix reflects on Jesus’ experiencing of fasting and speaks about how fasting impacts the needs and desires of our true self [Luke 4:1-13].
When you consider your current level of intimacy with God and others, what feelings do you feel?
If you believed you were fully loved, what would you do differently?
In trying to get what your soul wants, what shortcuts are you taking?
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Sunday Feb 07, 2016
Sunday Feb 07, 2016
Sunday Feb 07, 2016
As we approach the season of Lent, Gideon Tsang speaks about how we need to reconsider our energy and resources during this season of Lent [Luke 5:1-9].
What are the things that keep you up at night?
Does your spiritual energy go towards busyness, distraction, or restlessness?
How might a spiritual pause help you properly redirect your energy and resources?
Book: The Holy Longing by Ronald Rolheiser
Film: The Revenant
Film: Amy
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Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Mark Charbonneau speaks about our longing for home and how our journey here and now is perhaps the home we are searching for [John 14:1-7].
When have you experienced homesickness and for what were you longing?
What comfort do you find in how Jesus comforted his disciples?
How do Jesus’ words “I am the way the truth and the life” speak to you?
Film: Up
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Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Embodying the Other
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Jason Minnix speaks about how our distinctiveness enhances our growth as individuals, and as a community. [1 Corinthians 12:12-20]
Who are the others in my life I’m being invited to embrace?
How is God inviting me to lean into this body and participate in a sustainable way?
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