Sunday Oct 30, 2016
What to Love
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Jason Minnix explores how we can be more active in the filtering process of our spiritual experience [Luke 19:1-10].
What am I being invited to love today?
What am I being invited to ignore today?
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Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Values: Mystery
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
As we finish our series on our Vox Values, Gideon Tsang explores Mystery and why certainty can be detrimental to our faith experience [Colossians 1:24-29].
Value of Mystery
Our narrative begins with light, which is both finite and infinite based on speed. The Incarnation is God, who is timeless, slowing and entering into linear time. Within these parameters healthy faith is we who are finite, learning to be loved and love the One who is infinite. In ancient times people chased after the mystery of God in a pillar of cloud by day and by night a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. As a community we lean into the mystery of Christ leading us on our bright days and in our darkest hours. This type of faith involves doubt, uncertainty and learning to trust in the One whose name is Truth and Love. We invite you to become a people of healthy faith learning to trust what we hope for and do not see. (Ex 13:21, Eph 3:9; 5:32; Col 4:3, Hebrews 11:1)
What does the spiritual practice of discovery look like in your faith?
How can you practice curiosity when you don’t understand how God is working in your life?
Vox Values
Video: Kids Arguing about Rain
Book: But What if We’re Wrong (Chuck Klosterman)
Article: The White Flight of Derek Black
Book: The Sin of Certainty (Peter Enns)
Icon: The Trinity (Andrei Rublev)
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Values: Peculiarity
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Weylin Lee explores why Jesus invites us into the peculiar practice of loving our enemies [Matthew 5].
Value of Peculiarity
In the Sermon on the mount, Jesus gives us a picture of what our Christian communities should be striving towards. Holiness has been hijacked by rule based legalism/ fundamentalism. For us, to be set apart, is to live a life worthy of the calling we’ve received, messing up along the way, then limitlessly forgiving each other. This is strange and peculiar. Radically loving our enemies is the gold standard of holiness. It’s the ultimate difference in a darwinian, disposable world. This is our vision for the world Jesus came to restore today, bit by bit, and a world we want to live in. We seek to relentlessly offer grace to ourselves, one another and the world around us. (Matt 5)
In what ways do my enemies reflect the image of God?
Where have I experienced grace in my life this week? Where have I needed grace this week?
How can I practice an act of love or generosity anonymously this week?
Vox Values
Podcast: LL Bean Return Policy (This American Life)
Video: The 100 Years Show
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Values: Participation
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Elizabeth explores how the metaphor of the human body help us participate together [1 Corinthians 12].
Value of Participation
We live in a culture where being in a church means shopping and consuming community. We invite you into a beautiful alternative, Liturgy, which means “the work of the people.” Find your plot of the garden within the community and the world we live in and get your hands dirty. We welcome you as co-creators to become the hands and feet of Christ. Cultivate your soul, help us hold space for the spiritual journey of others, and lean into the literal call to care for and serve the earth we belong to. (1 Cor 12)
In what ways do I limit participation because of my perceived weakness?
What is one thing I can uniquely do, contribute or share with the community this month?
In what ways do I withdraw from others? How would it look or feel different in this moment if I truly believe I matter to the other person?
Vox Values
Vox Get Involved Signup Form
Video:Chef’s Table- Enrique Olvera
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Monday Oct 03, 2016
Empathy II
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Monday Oct 03, 2016
As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Gideon Tsang interviews Geeta Mondol to discuss how the value of Empathy is experienced and practiced in her center for the differently abled in New Dehli, India [1 Corinthians 8].
Value of Empathy
Theologians use “incarnation” to refer to God’s radical act of empathy: God became like us, in order to be with us and experience what we feel. We strive to reciprocate that in our relationships. This means creating space to listen, feel, and be with people who are different than us. We try to be an intentionally diverse community including background, life stage socioeconomics, sexual orientation, and orthodoxy. Sometimes we do that well, and sometimes we fail. However, we try to practice empathy for both the marginalized and the marginalizers, and allow that empathy to guide us in our responsiveness to injustice. Through authentic spiritual community we learn to be transformed through grace and Christ’s spirit. You will find people here who will embrace and bless you. You will also find people here who will disagree with and challenge you. All of that is a good thing, necessary for healing and wholeness. (1 Cor 8; 1 Cor 12)
Who is someone in your life that you have a hard time understanding? Why do you think that is?
What would it look like to take a small step this week to try to understand where they are coming from?
Vox Values
Global Partner – Ashish Centre
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Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Values: Empathy
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Gena Minnix continues our series on our Vox Values by focusing on Empathy and how essential empathy is for diversity [1 Corinthians 8].
Value of Empathy
Theologians use “incarnation” to refer to God’s radical act of empathy: God became like us, in order to be with us and experience what we feel. We strive to reciprocate that in our relationships. This means creating space to listen, feel, and be with people who are different than us. We try to be an intentionally diverse community including background, life stage socioeconomics, sexual orientation, and orthodoxy. Sometimes we do that well, and sometimes we fail. However, we try to practice empathy for both the marginalized and the marginalizers, and allow that empathy to guide us in our responsiveness to injustice. Through authentic spiritual community we learn to be transformed through grace and Christ’s spirit. You will find people here who will embrace and bless you. You will also find people here who will disagree with and challenge you. All of that is a good thing, necessary for healing and wholeness. (1 Cor 8; 1 Cor 12)
Where in my life have I experienced God’s empathy?
Do I tend to listen more closely to what someone knows, or how someone feels?
With whom do I find it easy to empathize? With whom do I find it difficult?
Vox Values
Movie: Inside Out
Podcast: On Being (Ruby Sales)
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Values: Posture
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Jason Minnix continues our series on our Vox Values by focusing on Posture and the complex journey of humility and how it’s embedded into Jesus’ interaction with humanity [Philippians 2].
Value of Posture
God gives grace to the humble. And a posture of humility emerges as we receive grace in community. Jesus, though equal with God, emptied himself of power and made himself human. We are called to a deep acceptance of this messy humanity, both ours and others, just as Jesus practiced. We have God’s DNA yet live within our shadow, ashamed to live the fullness of God’s vision for our lives. Humility is choosing to see ourselves and others more accurately – both our light and darkness. Each person has profound intrinsic worth and carries God’s spark. We will work to consider others in addition to ourselves – recognizing that caring only for ourselves is just as damaging as neglecting ourselves which leads to another form of self-centered living. (Phil 2)
Where am I being invited to a deeper acceptance of my messy and loved humanity?
How can I trust Jesus to teach me how to carry my life and calling with simple faithfulness this week?
Vox Values
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Sunday Sep 11, 2016
Values: Artistry
Sunday Sep 11, 2016
Sunday Sep 11, 2016
Gideon Tsang starts our series on our Vox Values by focusing on Artistry and what it looks like to be a community that participates in being creators [Genesis 2].
Value of Artistry
We are a community of makers. We live into God’s resemblance of artistry that was envisioned in the garden. The ultimate act of creativity is God’s redemption of the world back to its original vision. We’re invited by the Gardener to garden again. The narrative that some people are creative and some are not is false. We are all artists, makers and creators made in the image of God. (Gen 1)
What can you beautify with love this week?
How can you participate in an act of creation that scares you this next month?
Vox Values
Video: Where Great Ideas Come From (David Lynch)
Film: Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Podcast: Revisionist History – Hallelujah
Film: Don’t Think Twice
Book: Rising Strong (Brene Brown)
Video: Attending to Place
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Growing Up
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Jason Minnix interviews Gideon Tsang, Weylin Lee and Harmon Li as they reflect on the first 10 years of Vox and the experiences of growth and development individually and as a church community [1 Corinthians 13:11-13].
What is the vulnerable edge where I most need God’s grace today? What insulation am I being invited to let go of?
Where is the conversation at between my individual journey and the developmental journey of Vox today?
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Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Wisdom: Who We Are
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Gideon Tsang speaks about the journey of figuring out who we are and the relationship between our interior and exterior life [Proverbs 3:13-18].
Does who you are inform what you do or vice versa?
Why do you value what you value?
Film: I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead
Book: Michael Jordan: The Life
Film: Tree of Life
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Sunday Aug 21, 2016
The Nature of Rest
Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Jason Minnix speaks about rest through a relational lens of how we are connected to each other and God [Isaiah 58:8-14].
What might it look like to mindfully leave space in my week to respond to those who are in suffering?
What does rest look like for me this week, and how might I entrust my long-term desires to God in those spaces?
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Sunday Aug 14, 2016
Good Conflict
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
Gena Minnix speaks about how disconnection be a crucial part of developing love for God and others [Luke 12:49-53].
What issues prompted Jesus to wage good conflict?
In what areas of life might God be calling me to nonviolent conflict?
Video: Invisibilia – Disarming A Robbery
Video: TED Talk – Jamila Raqib
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Monday Aug 08, 2016
Near Faith
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Jason Minnix speaks about how faith carries us through hope in that which is not yet [Hebrews 11:1-3,8-16].
How can we hold the tension of unfulfilled desires in a meaningful way?
Whose faith are we invited to be near?
Podcast: Mystery Show – Case #3 Belt Buckle
Book: It’s Not You
Poem: The Moment
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Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Weylin Lee speaks about some different rhythms that facilitate our experience and practice of contentment [Luke 12:13-21].
What are certain possessions or attachments which we might need to let go of because they generate anxiety and fear?
What are the areas we have neglected in our pursuit of our possessions and attachments?
What do our choices reflect about our value and perspective of our possessions?
Film: O.J. Made in America
Book: The Cardinal and the Deadly
Art: Megacities Asia
Book: The Paradox of Choice
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Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Prayer as Intimacy
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Jason Minnix speaks about the different portals of intimacy that allow us access with God [Luke 11:1-13].
What are some of our habits that need to be interrupted in order for us to connect with God?
How can we practice asking in an attempt to deepen intimacy?
What are some experiences of contemplation that we can attempt as prayer?
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Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Nicolas Acosta speaks about the kind of biblical justice that we should integrate into our conversations and lives [Amos 8:1-12].
How can we think in terms of system and not individualizing issues?
How can we stand and be near those who are suffering in order to learn more about who God is and who we are?
How do we tend to both the spiritual and physical aspects of injustice and the gospel?
Figure: Gustavo Gutierrez
Short Story: Gabriel García Márquez The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World
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Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Privilege and Love
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Jason Minnix speaks about privilege and love in light of the recent tragic events that transpired in Minnesota, Louisiana and Dallas. Angel Miller, Jason Ikpatt, and Claudia Harding also share their personal stories. [Psalm 82].
How am I being invited into my strength with Christ, to engage my privileges, in small/sustainable ways, and stand with those who have less voice, power and safety?
How am I being invited into my frailty with Christ, to make room for God to care for my wounds and the weight of all the stories of pain I carry in my body?
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Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Gena Minnix talks about the invitation we have to practice freedom and what some of those practices might look like [Galatians 5:13-23].
How might I use my freedom to practice love in a more concrete way?
What would it look like to belong to Christ and others more freely?
Movie: Eddie the Eagle
Vox Rhythm of Life
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Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Healed into Community
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Following the tragedy in Orlando, Gideon Tsang gives a homily as a confession in hopes that we can all be healed into community.
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Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Iconography & Meaning
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Gideon Tsang interviews the artists who were part of the Artist Residency led by Stefan Eicher who was visiting from Reflection Art, our partner in India. The theme of the residency was iconography and each artist captured a story through their painted icon.
How can we experience our faith and ask questions of meaning instead of judgment?
How can we contemplate by asking continual questions of meditation?
How can we practice our faith and not let it simply be a cognitive exercise?
Movie: The Lobster
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