Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Stories We Tell
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Sarah Berson explores the stories we tell about ourselves and about God [2 Peter 1:16-21].
What am I hiding that God is inviting me to bring into the light?
What would it look like to share my fears with God in a meaningful way this week?
Video: Hail Caesar – Religious Leaders Meeting
Icons: Jesus’ Parables -illustrations by Tim Bauer
Website: Humans of New York
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Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Maturing Obedience
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Weylin Lee talks about the things that a maturing obedience should move us towards and how they might help us make life-giving decisions instead of life-limiting ones [Psalm 119:33-40].
How can we live from our heart instead of our ego?
What would a movement toward contentment look like?
Podcast: This American Life-Fine Print
Podcast: On Being- Joan Chittister
Video: Minimalism Documentary
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Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Changing Our Minds
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Gideon Tsang reflects on what it would look like to have our minds continually changed to discover the mind of Christ is already in us [1 Corinthians 2:1-8].
When did a moment of powerlessness change you?
What’s scares you about being vulnerable?
Podcast: Fresh Air- Mike Birbiglia
Video: Manchester by the Sea
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Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Forget Your Perfect Offering
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Gena Minnix talks about what Jesus says and invites us to do in the context of difficult times and seasons [Matthew 5:13-16].
How can I practice experiencing and feeling the full range of human emotions?
Who in my life is living in shadow? What parts of me remain in shadow?
What’s my imperfect offering today?
Video: Doctor Who & Van Gogh
Video: Anthem by Leonard Cohen
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Sunday Jan 29, 2017
The Wisdom of Foolishness
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Weylin Lee reflects on how the wisdom of God seems foolish and in that foolishness, what God’s wisdom invites us into [1 Corinthians 1:18-31].
How can we hold the tension of the known and unknown in order to practice faith?
What are the attachments in our lives that we need to confront?
Who are the people in our lives we might need to be in solidarity with?
Podcast:On Being: John Lewis
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Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Matt Worthington reflects on how we can reframe our divisions and walk a path of unity [1 Corinthians 1:10-18].
Where is God asking you to be on the journey towards unity?
In what ways do we need healing in order to walk with others in our lives?
In what ways can we reframe the language and perspective we adopt with others?
Video: TED Talk-Suzanne Barakat
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Monday Jan 16, 2017
Light Calling
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Jason Minnix speaks about our calling and how we’re invited to focus on what we are and not just what we do [Isaiah 49:1-7].
What is the invitation today that feels like grace?
What support do I need to engage or reengage my calling in a meaningful way?
Video – Hunt for the Wilderpeople (Funeral)
Here is a list of exercises that you can try to consider your calling “to be”.
- Write or draw a chronos time line of your life.
- Include moments of chairos time (graced time), significant events in your journey that have formed you, timeless moments of meaning, joy, trauma, loss.
- List some of your life dreams and desires.
- Write trustworthy words that have been spoken into your life. Ask people who love you now.
- Write a simple statement of your calling.
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Monday Jan 09, 2017
Consent to Love
Monday Jan 09, 2017
Monday Jan 09, 2017
Gideon Tsang reflects on what it means to consent to where God is already at work in us and forming us this year [Matthew 3:13-17].
What are we currently experiencing that we might need to consent to?
What are some things we need to let go of?
Video: This Year by The Mountain Goats
Video: Trouble with Boys by David Bazaan
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Monday Jan 02, 2017
Monday Jan 02, 2017
Monday Jan 02, 2017
As we start a new year, John Chandler reflects on the story that we need to tell that is larger than the challenges and difficulties we have faced and will face [Numbers 6:22-27].
What might it look like for you to spend more time in the shine of a face than the shine of a screen in the year to come?
How might you serve as priest, a go-between, to another who needs to receive the blessing of YHWH?
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Monday Dec 19, 2016
Advent IV: The Surprise of Emmanuel
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
As we approach the end of the Advent season, Weylin Lee reflects on the surprising invitations that we find in Joseph and Mary’s experience of the birth of Jesus [Matthew 1:18-25].
How can we reframe our interruptions and disruptions to help strip away our false self?
What are the things that we fear in our lives that we need to act against in our process of experiencing freedom?
What are some areas of our lives that we need to let go of control in order to fall into grace?
Podcast: On Being- James Martin
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Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Advent III: Disappointment
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
As we continue in the season of Advent, Matt Inman speaks about what it means to long for joy and how we live in the tension of our fears and dreams [Hebrews 11:13-16].
How has disappointment impacted your life and faith?
What does your life look like being broke open versus broke apart?
Podcast: Inefficiency-Jamie Tworkowski
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Sunday Dec 04, 2016
Advent II: Preparing for Peace
Sunday Dec 04, 2016
Sunday Dec 04, 2016
As we continue in the season of Advent, Gena Minnix speaks about how we prepare for peace and become agents of peace [Matthew 3:1-6].
Where are the wilderness places in our lives where survival feels like a struggle?
What experiences (feelings, situations, conditions) do I find difficult or nearly impossible to welcome?
What practices help me prepare for a peace that’s here but not yet here?
Center for Action and Contemplation
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Monday Nov 28, 2016
Advent I: Hope
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Jason Minnix begins the season of Advent by reflecting on the hope that Jesus lived and where we look and wait for that hope [Isaiah 2:1-5].
Where am I watching and waiting for epiphany to break in?
How can I make space to rest and trust transformation is happening?
Book:Come Out My People by Wes Howard-Brook
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Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Hope Through Struggle
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Gideon Tsang continues our conversation on hope and how it is a function of struggle in times of distress and uncertainty [Psalm 141].
What are you feeling today? What might those feelings be revealing to you?
What does it look like to struggle together for hope?
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Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Weylin Lee explores what we’re invited to do in times of hopelessness as we wait for God’s original vision for us and our world to be fully restored [2 Thessalonians 2:13-17].
How can we see ourselves and others the same way God sees us?
How can our responses to hopelessness be more life giving instead of life limiting?
How can we practice grace in the face of hopelessness?
Film: Interstellar
Film: The White Helmets
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Sunday Oct 30, 2016
What to Love
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Jason Minnix explores how we can be more active in the filtering process of our spiritual experience [Luke 19:1-10].
What am I being invited to love today?
What am I being invited to ignore today?
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Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Values: Mystery
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
As we finish our series on our Vox Values, Gideon Tsang explores Mystery and why certainty can be detrimental to our faith experience [Colossians 1:24-29].
Value of Mystery
Our narrative begins with light, which is both finite and infinite based on speed. The Incarnation is God, who is timeless, slowing and entering into linear time. Within these parameters healthy faith is we who are finite, learning to be loved and love the One who is infinite. In ancient times people chased after the mystery of God in a pillar of cloud by day and by night a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. As a community we lean into the mystery of Christ leading us on our bright days and in our darkest hours. This type of faith involves doubt, uncertainty and learning to trust in the One whose name is Truth and Love. We invite you to become a people of healthy faith learning to trust what we hope for and do not see. (Ex 13:21, Eph 3:9; 5:32; Col 4:3, Hebrews 11:1)
What does the spiritual practice of discovery look like in your faith?
How can you practice curiosity when you don’t understand how God is working in your life?
Vox Values
Video: Kids Arguing about Rain
Book: But What if We’re Wrong (Chuck Klosterman)
Article: The White Flight of Derek Black
Book: The Sin of Certainty (Peter Enns)
Icon: The Trinity (Andrei Rublev)
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Values: Peculiarity
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Weylin Lee explores why Jesus invites us into the peculiar practice of loving our enemies [Matthew 5].
Value of Peculiarity
In the Sermon on the mount, Jesus gives us a picture of what our Christian communities should be striving towards. Holiness has been hijacked by rule based legalism/ fundamentalism. For us, to be set apart, is to live a life worthy of the calling we’ve received, messing up along the way, then limitlessly forgiving each other. This is strange and peculiar. Radically loving our enemies is the gold standard of holiness. It’s the ultimate difference in a darwinian, disposable world. This is our vision for the world Jesus came to restore today, bit by bit, and a world we want to live in. We seek to relentlessly offer grace to ourselves, one another and the world around us. (Matt 5)
In what ways do my enemies reflect the image of God?
Where have I experienced grace in my life this week? Where have I needed grace this week?
How can I practice an act of love or generosity anonymously this week?
Vox Values
Podcast: LL Bean Return Policy (This American Life)
Video: The 100 Years Show
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Values: Participation
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Elizabeth explores how the metaphor of the human body help us participate together [1 Corinthians 12].
Value of Participation
We live in a culture where being in a church means shopping and consuming community. We invite you into a beautiful alternative, Liturgy, which means “the work of the people.” Find your plot of the garden within the community and the world we live in and get your hands dirty. We welcome you as co-creators to become the hands and feet of Christ. Cultivate your soul, help us hold space for the spiritual journey of others, and lean into the literal call to care for and serve the earth we belong to. (1 Cor 12)
In what ways do I limit participation because of my perceived weakness?
What is one thing I can uniquely do, contribute or share with the community this month?
In what ways do I withdraw from others? How would it look or feel different in this moment if I truly believe I matter to the other person?
Vox Values
Vox Get Involved Signup Form
Video:Chef’s Table- Enrique Olvera
MWG: Discussion Guide
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Monday Oct 03, 2016
Empathy II
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Monday Oct 03, 2016
As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Gideon Tsang interviews Geeta Mondol to discuss how the value of Empathy is experienced and practiced in her center for the differently abled in New Dehli, India [1 Corinthians 8].
Value of Empathy
Theologians use “incarnation” to refer to God’s radical act of empathy: God became like us, in order to be with us and experience what we feel. We strive to reciprocate that in our relationships. This means creating space to listen, feel, and be with people who are different than us. We try to be an intentionally diverse community including background, life stage socioeconomics, sexual orientation, and orthodoxy. Sometimes we do that well, and sometimes we fail. However, we try to practice empathy for both the marginalized and the marginalizers, and allow that empathy to guide us in our responsiveness to injustice. Through authentic spiritual community we learn to be transformed through grace and Christ’s spirit. You will find people here who will embrace and bless you. You will also find people here who will disagree with and challenge you. All of that is a good thing, necessary for healing and wholeness. (1 Cor 8; 1 Cor 12)
Who is someone in your life that you have a hard time understanding? Why do you think that is?
What would it look like to take a small step this week to try to understand where they are coming from?
Vox Values
Global Partner – Ashish Centre
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